Sundhed & Ernæring
Mejeribrugets ForskningsFond investerer i forskning, der er med til at afklare og dokumentere mejeriprodukters rolle i en sund kost.
Health & Nutrition
The Danish Dairy Research Foundation invests in research that helps clarify and document the role of dairy products in a healthy diet.
Aktuelle projekter
Cut-DM – The meal box study
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Cut-DM – The meal box studyFerMetS – Fermented dairy products and metabolic syndrome
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FerMetS - Fermented dairy products and metabolic syndromeSMiL – Special milk lipids for health
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SMiL - Special Milk Lipids for HealthMACH – Milk consumption in a contemporary Danish national birth cohort
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MACH – Milk consumption in a contemporary Danish national birth cohortBioDairy – Health biomarkers of dairy intake
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BioDairy – Health biomarkers of dairy intakeFocus on milk for pregnant and lactating vegetarians
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Focus on milk for pregnant and lactating vegetariansFortified milk powder cures acute malnutrition
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Fortified milk powder cures acute malnutritionPROMISE - Milk proteins as mineral carriers to mitigate inflammation
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PROMISE – Milk proteins as mineral carriers to mitigate inflammationYourGutBrain - Yoghurt to alter gut movements and brain function
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YourGutBrain – Yoghurt to alter gut movements and brain functionDROSH - Dairy's role in a diet optimal for sustainability and health
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DROSH – Dairy’s role in a diet optimal for sustainability and healthBioMicro - Bioavailability of micronutrients in dairy/plants
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BioMicro – Bioavailability of micronutrients in dairy/plantsGrith Mortensen
Chefkonsulent, Branchesekretariat mejeri, Landbrug & Fødevarer/Skejby