REWARD: Bæredygtig anvendelse af procesvand

Mejeriindustrien omsætter store mængder af vand. Genanvendeligheden af dette vand afhænger af mængden af de næringsstoffer, som vandet indeholder. Projektet skaber grundlaget for en mere bæredygtig anvendelse af procesvand i mejeriindustrien.

Af: Grith Mortensen 

Ideen om at vand udgør en uudtømmelig ressource tilhører fortiden. Fødevare- og bioprocesserings-industrien er nogle af de største brugere og udledere af procesvand. Procesvand er en miljøbyrde, men er potentielt også en stor, uudnyttet ressource, der med fordel kan genbruges i produktionen. REWARD-projektet vil forsyne dansk fødevare- og bioprocesseringsindustri med grundlæggende teknologi og viden, som muliggør en langt mere effektiv udnyttelse af vand, og dermed bringer producenterne tættere på en 100 % bæredygtig produktion. REWARD anvender de effektive principper bag Process Analytical Technology (PAT) og Quality by Design (QbD) samt Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) til at minimere forbruget af drikkevand og øge genbrug af proces- og rengøringsvand.

REWARDs mål er: (i) at udvikle og implementere nye højteknologiske sensorsystemer, der kan følge de kemiske og biologiske komponenter i procesvandstrømme og vandbehandlingens effektivitet samt (ii) at udvikle en helt ny fremgangsmåde til at optimere rensning af procesvand. Det er målet, at projektet placerer dansk videnskab, uddannelse og teknologi i det internationale førerfelt mht. udvikling og eksport af nye vandbesparende koncepter, ny vand-management-teknologi og uddannelse inden for optimering af vandudnyttelse og -kvalitet i forarbejdningsindustrien.

Projektet tager udgangs­punkt i valle omvendt osmose-permeat fra Danmark Protein A/S samt omvendt osmose-vand fra et typisk

Projekt: Januar 2014 – September 2018

Budget: 27.000.000 DKK

Finansiering: Mælkeafgiftsfonden, Københavns Universitet, Det Strategiske Forskningsråd (FøSU)

Projektleder: Søren Balling Engelsen

Institution: Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, København Universitet

Deltagere: Frans van den Berg, Nanna Viereck, Susdanne Knøchel, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab,
København Universitet
Mogens Havsteen Jacobsen, Krist Gernaey, DTU Kemiteknik
Renzo Akkerman, Technische Universität München, AFI, Novozymes, DHI, Alectia A/S,
LiqTechInternational A/S og DSS Silkeborg A/S

Link til projektet:



Publikationer og præsentationer

Articles, not peer reviewed:

Startartikel om projektet er publiceret i Mælkeritidende:

Mælkeritidende 2015 nr. 15-16


Slutartikel om projektet er publiceret i Mælkeritidende:

Mælkeritidende 2020 nr. 12

Frans W.J. van den Berg, Hans Henrik Holst, Søren B. Engelsen (2014). Water reuse and saving in the food industry: A new frontier in food manufacturing, New Food 17:49-53.

Sai Jishna Pulluru, Renzo Akkerman (2017). Water-integrated scheduling of batch process plants: Modelling approach and application in technology selection. European Journal of Operational Research.

Peter B. Skou, Bekzod Khakimov, Thomas H. Hansen, Stina D. Aunsbjerg, Susanne Knøchel, Dorrit Thaysen, Frans van den Berg, Chemical characterization of membrane permeates from an industrial dairy ingredient production by GC-MS and ICP-OES, In preparation.

Lea G. Johnsen, Peter B. Skou, Bekzod Khakimov, Rasmus Bro (2017). GC-MS data processing made easy in PARADISe, Journal of Chromatography A 1503: 57-64.

Peter B. Skou, Steve Holroyd, Frans van den Berg, Tutorial – Applying Extreme Value Theory to characterize food processing systems. Journal of Chemometrics 31(7):e2930 . DOI: 10.1002/cem.2930

Peter B. Skou, Thilo A. Berg, Stina D. Aunsbjerg, Dorrit Thaysen, Morten A. Rasmussen, Frans van den Berg. 2017. Monitoring Process-Water Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression with Prediction Uncertainty Estimation. Applied Spectroscopy 71(3): 410-421.

Thilo A. Berg, Niels Ottosen, Frans van den Berg, Richard Ipsen (2017). Inline UV-Vis spectroscopy to monitor and optimize Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) of whey filtration plants. LWT - Food Science and Technology 75:164-170.

Carl E. Eskildsen, Frans van den Berg, Søren B. Engelsen. (2017). Vibrational Spectroscopy in Food Processing, Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, 3rd edition, 4:582-589

Anna Klimkiewicz, Albert E. Cervera-Padrell, Frans van den Berg (2016). Modeling of the Flux Decline in a Continuous Ultrafiltration System with Multiblock Partial Least Squares. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55:10690-10698.

Peter B. Skou, Thilo A. Berg, Stina D. Aunsbjerg, Dorrit Thaysen, Morten A. Rasmussen, Frans W.J. van den Berg (2016). Monitoring process-water quality by NIRS using PLS with prediction uncertainty estimation. Applied Spectroscopy 71: 410-421.

Christian Kazadi-Mbamba, Xavier Flores-Alsina, Damien J. Batstone, Stephan Tait (2016). Validation of a plant-wide modelling approach with minerals precipitation in a full-scale WWTP. Water Research 100:169-183.

Xavier Flores-Alsina, Kimberly Solon, Christian Kazadi-Mbamba, Stephan Tait, Krist V. Gernaey, Ulf Jeppsson, Damien J. Batstone (2016). Modelling phosphorus (P), sulphur (S) and iron (Fe) interactions during the (dynamic) simulation of anaerobic digestion processes. Water Research 95:370-382.

Xavier Flores-Alsina, Christian Kazadi-Mbamba, Kimberly Solon, Darko Vrecko, Stephan Tait, Damien J. Batstone, Ulf Jeppsson, Krist V. Gernaey (2015). A plant-wide aqueous phase chemistry module describing pH variations and ion speciation/pairing in wastewater treatment process models. Water Research 85:255-265.

Basil Uthuppu, Arto Heiskanen, Dan Kofoed, Jens Aamand, Claus Jorgensen, Martin Dufva, Mogens H. Jakobsen (2015). Micro-flow-injection analysis (μFIA) immunoassay of herbicide residue 2,6-dichlorobenzamide - towards automated at-line monitoring using modular microfluidics. Analyst (2015), 140:1616-1623.

Thilo A. Berg, Richard Ipsen, Niels Ottosen, Alexander Tolkach, Frans W.J. van den Berg (2015). Influence of reduced cleaning-in-place on aged membranes during ultrafiltration of whey. International Journal of Food Engineering 11: 447–455.

Jannie K. Jensen, José M.A. Rubio, Søren B. Engelsen, Frans W.J. van den Berg (2015). Protein Residual Fouling identification on UF Membranes using ATR-FT-IR and multivariate curve resolution. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 144: 39-47.

Jannie K. Jensen, Niels Ottosen, Søren B. Engelsen, Frans W.J. van den Berg (2015). Investigation of UF and MF Membrane Residual Fouling in Full Scale Dairy Production using FTIR to Quantify Protein and Fat. International Journal of Food Engineering 11:1-15

Thilo A. Berg, Jes C. Knudsen, Richard Ipsen, Frans W.J. van den Berg, Hans Henrik Holst, Alexander Tolkach (2014). Investigation of consecutive fouling and cleaning cycles of ultrafiltration membranes used for whey processing. International Journal of Food Engineering 10:367-381.

Christian B. Lyndgaard, Morten A. Rasmussen, Søren B. Engelsen, Dorrit Thaysen, Frans W.J. van den Berg (2014). Moving from recipe-driven to measurement-based cleaning procedures: monitoring the Cleaning-In-Place process of whey filtration units by ultraviolet spectroscopy and chemometrics. Journal of Food Engineering 126: 82-88.


Conference articles, peer reviewed:
S.S. Mansouri, I.A. Udugama, A. Mitic, A. Rubin, L. Rudolfsson, Krist V. Gernaey (2017). Reverse osmosis for water purification and reuse in the biotechnological industry: Process design, operation and economic guidelines. Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 27

Sai Jishna Pulluru, Renzo Akkerman, Hottenrott, A. (2017). Integrated production planning and water management in the food industry: A cheese production case study, submitted for publication in conference proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-27).

Sai Jishna Pulluru, Renzo Akkerman (2016). Water reuse considerations in scheduling multipurpose batch plants: Modeling approach and analysis of regeneration options, Pre-prints of the Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, February 22-26, 2016, Innsbruck, Austria, 12p.

Other dissemination/communication:
Peter Bæk Skou (selected abstract) (2017). Applying extreme value theory on Near Infrared spectroscopy predictions of moisture content in milk powder, The 18th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, ICNIRS2017, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kasper Borg Damkjær (selected abstract) (2017). Investigation of the feasibility for using NIRS for on-line monitoring of the mineral content and other impurities in reused industrial process water, The 18th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, ICNIRS2017, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Frans van den Berg (keynote) (2017). NIRS in process control … time is on my side, The 18th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, ICNIRS2017, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Claus Heggum (2017). Water recycling/reuse in the dairy industry, Nordic Dairy Congress, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark

Peter Bæk Skou (2017). Chemical characterisation and real-time quality monitoring of membrane permeates from an industrial dairy ingredient production, Nordic Dairy Congress, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark

Renzo Akkerman (2017). Integrated production planning and water management: Theory and application to cheese production, Nordic Dairy Congres, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark

Susanne Knøchel (2017). Heat resistant gram negative pathogens, Nordic Dairy Congress, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark

Iuliana-Madalina Stoica (2017). Using fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics to determine when cleaning is needed, Nordic Dairy Congress, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark

Susanne Knøchel (2017). More milk and milk water – less tap and waste water, the Dairy Research Congress (Mejeriforskningsdagen), March 1-2, 2017, Billund, Denmark.

Susanne Knøchel (2017). Water quality and efficiency in the food industry, the Water Science meeting, February 3, 2017, UCPH, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Renzo Akkerman, Sai Jishna Pulluru (2016). Scheduling water reuse in the food industry: Theory and application, INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 13-16, 2016, Nashville, USA (invited session).

Susanne Knøchel (2016). Participated in a workshop in a theme called “Show casing the Danish Water Sector”, May 15-18, 2016, Durban, South Africa.

REWARD was co-organizing a workshop on Water reuse in the dairy industry - Regulation, technology and control, February 29, 2016, Vejle, Denmark.

Sai Jishna Pulluru, Renzo Akkerman (2015). Including regeneration possibilities to increase water reuse in scheduling multipurpose batch plants, EURO 2015, the conference of the European Association of Operational Research Societies, July 12-15, 2015, Glasgow, Scotland.

Renzo Akkerman, Sai Jishna Pulluru (2015). Including regeneration possibilities to increase water reuse in scheduling multipurpose batch plants, INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 1-4, 2015, Philadelphia, USA.

Søren B. Engelsen (2015). The symphony of vibrations in NIR spectroscopy combined with chemometrics: a powerful cocktail, Tomas Hirschfeld Award Lecture, 17th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, October 19, 2015, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.

Renzo Akkerman, Sai Jishna Pulluru (2015). Integrating water reuse in operations management approaches for the food and bioprocessing industry, UQ-TUM Research Symposium on Water, Environment and Sustainability, June 11-12, 2015, Munich, Germany.

Renzo Akkerman (2014). Modelling water reuse in the food industry – Opportunities and Challenges, Third International Workshop on Food Supply Chains, November 4-7, 2014, San Francisco, USA.

Søren B. Engelsen (2014). ”REWARD projektet”, talk at Partner meeting 'Det vandeffektive mejeri - på vejen mod det vandløse mejeri', June 23, 2014, Vejle, Danmark.

Frans van den Berg (2014). From recipe-driven to measurement-based CIP, inSPIRe FOOD seminar on 'Membraner - optimering og besparelser i tid, vand og energi', April 9, 2014, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Susanne Knøchel (2017). A report (15 ECTS) titled: “Identification of isolates from dairy industry membrane surface and permeate water samples” has been elaborated as well as a trainee report titled: “Characterization of microbiota in process water”

Susanne Knøchel (2016). Material regarding use of permeates and water reuse has been incorporated in the course "Hygiene and Sanitation" at FOOD KU. One report (7.5 ECTS) on "Reuse of water in the dairy industry" has been elaborated and one trainee report on "Growth potential of different microorganisms in treated food process water destined for reuse"

Læs mere om projektets resultater i slutrapporten 

Slutrapport nr. 2021-163

Grith Mælk 1

Grith Mortensen

Chefkonsulent, Branchesekretariat mejeri, Landbrug & Fødevarer/Skejby

Mobil: 40964114
